Project Profit Academy Review

Project Profit Academy Review

Project Profit Academy Review
Project Profit Academy Review

IMPORTANT: If you want to pick up Project Profit Academy..DON’T get it from the live workshop.

Get it from this page instead (links below) so that you don’t miss out on my bonuses.

(Yes, you will get all of Brendan’s bonuses as well!)

**July 2020 update**

I no longer recommend Project Profit Academy, nor am I associated with it an any way.

My top pick in 2020 is Ministry Of Freedom.

You can watch my review here

Hey, my name is Jonas!

I’ve been a student of Brendan Mace’s coaching program for quite some time now and I figured it was time I make an in-depth Project Profit Academy review and show you everything you’ll learn, if you choose to sign up.

First of all, here’s a picture of Brendan Mace, Jono Armstrong, and myself, Jonas Lindgren:


If you prefer video over text, you can watch my video review below, and if you prefer to read just keep scrolling. I have some AMAZING bonuses for this course if you choose to pick this up through my link, with a real world value of $1000+.

So, make sure you either watch my full video or read to the very bottom of this Project Profit Academy review so you don’t miss that! (seriously, you’re not going to want to pick this up through anyone else)

Update: New video added further down on this page where I explain a lot of new things. This is a must watch video.


(If for some reason the buy button won’t work, email [email protected] (two underscores) and i’ll take care of it asap)

Also: If you are interested in getting PPA but have a few more questions, I would be happy to hop on a free Skype call with you and explain everything even more in-depth.

Email me and let me know you want a chat, and we’ll schedule a call.

Send me an email first and in the subject line, please write something like “PPA questions” and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

One last thing: I recorded an updated video that is further down on this page that you’re definitely going to want to watch.

A lot of things has been updated.

Before I explain the whole product, let me just do quickly mention this.

You’re probably here on this page right now because you just watched Brendan’s webinar about Project Profit Academy, right?

And you’re wondering..should I just go back to the webinar and pick it up from there, because Brendan had some pretty cool bonuses, yeah?

Well, if you pick it up from this page instead, you get ALL of Brendans bonuses (lifetime access to campaigns, some free traffic etc) PLUS you get all of my awesome bonuses too, that you’ll hear more about in my video review or if you scroll to the bottom of this page.

Before I explain what this coaching program will teach you, let me show you my own results from October 1st until December 31st on just one network, Warriorplus, so that you know that i’m not just making stuff up:

$16.683.45 in the last three months of 2018. It’s not by any means incredible, but again this is just on one network, i’m also promoting products on JVzoo and a few other networks.

Okay, with that out of the way, let’s get started!

What IS Project Profit Academy?

I’m a member, so i’m going to show you the whole thing!

Project Profit Academy Review
Project Profit Academy Review

As seen above, there’s quite a few modules and i’ll do my best to explain what it’s all about.

First of all, there are three main modules:

Affiliate Academy
Launch Academy
Expert Academy

Let’s start with what you’re going to see immediately after signing up:

Affiliate Academy:

Can you see the text that says “Download my follow-up series” under the coaching overview video?

What you’re getting there is Brendan’s ENTIRE follow up sequence..a total of 243 emails.

These are emails that are automatically going out when someone subscribes to Brendans email list.

One email per day..for the next 243 days.

That means that you can pretty much just import these emails into your own autoresponder and make money on autopilot for the next 6+ months. (Assuming you’re sending traffic to your optin page and get people on your own email list, of course)

Now, you’ll have to edit the emails a little bit of course and add your own affiliate links etc, but the emails are already written and I would say that this by itself is worth hundreds of dollars.

HUGE timesaver, and I already felt like I was in the right place immediately after I saw this.

And..we haven’t even gotten started with the training yet.

Before I move on, I want to make one thing clear, and this is one of the main reasons I decided to spend the money on Project Profit Academy/Brendan Mace’s coaching:

You get access to his personal Skype and can ask him questions and always know you’ll get answers.

Brendan is one of the top vendors on the entire Warrior Plus network, and he’s also a super affiliate who pretty much always makes $1000+ per affiliate promo.

That’s the kind of person I wanted to learn from.

You may think that the price to join Project Profit Academy is high, but it really, really isn’t.

It’s a freaking steal.

To get coaching from the TOP person in the entire industry for less than $2000, is mindblowing.

Let’s say you wanted to learn how to become faster at 100 meter dash..

Do you think Usain Bolt would coach you for this price?

The answer to that, he wouldn’t.

Yet i’d say it’s fair comparison.

Brendan is the top person in this industry, Usain Bolt is the fastest man alive..

..I think you know what i’m getting at.

Anyway, let’s move on!

The first thing Brendan will tell you to do is to get hosting, which is something you’ll need.

You can go with any hosting you want, I personally use a Canadian company called Crocweb that I pay $5.95/month for, and it works just fine.

After that, he’s going to talk about lead capture pages, and you know what?

He’ll create one for you at no extra cost that looks pretty much just like his, which is proven to convert at no less than 50%.

(What that means is, if 100 people visit your lead capture page, 50 of them will enter their email and end up on your email list)

That’s way higher than the industry standard which is around 25-35%, and it makes a huge difference, especially if you decide to go the paid traffic route.

I can feel that this review is already getting really long so if you want more information about the other modules, check out my video where I talk about that a little bit more.

In short, you’ll also learn about affiliate marketing basics, setting up your welcome message in your autoresponder, how to do affiliate promotions and much, much more.

Launch Academy

Project Profit Academy Review
Project Profit Academy Review

Brendan is very upfront, and will tell you (and show you) that launching digital products is what has made him most of his money.

Now, in this module you’re going to learn everything that he knows about launching, which is a lot.

From creating the course and upsells, to getting the sales page done, to getting affiliates, and everything else that needs to be done before a launch.

Now here’s another thing that is REALLY cool that I got to experience, that not only paid for the coaching almost immediately, but that also completely changed my life.

One thing that you get as a Project Profit Academy member, is the opportunity to launch a product with Brendan himself.

He does not guarantee this, but if you follow his instructions and create a good course..
it’s possible.

To this day, Lindgren’s Lazy Method which is the name of the product that we launched together, has grossed over $45.000.

Full disclosure: Most of that $45k went to affiliates, but the coaching was more than paid for with my earnings:

We’ve sold 3456 copies at the time of me writing this Project Profit Academy review, and as you can see i’ve earned $5603,96.

Not bad huh?

This launch also led me to getting in touch with some other affiliates, and I now have my own coaching program with Trevor Carr and Jono Armstrong (you’ll get lifetime access to that, worth $120/year ($10×12) if you sign up to Project Profit Academy through my link, more about that later)

Expert Academy

As of now, there’s only two videos in this module.

Promo Like A Boss
High Ticket Webinars

Good stuff in both, pretty short though.

Those are the three main modules, but there’s tons more.

Project Profit Academy Review – Funnel

Project Profit Academy Review
Project Profit Academy Review

More gold.

In the funnel section, you ask for approval for all of Brendan’s products listed on the picture above, and he will then send out some emails with your affiliate link in it. I think it was 300 visitors that he’ll send.

Project Profit Academy Review – Zero Hour Elite

Project Profit Academy Review
Project Profit Academy Review

In Zero Hour Elite, you’re going to get done-for-you affiliate campaigns.

Basically, Brendan is doing all the testing, and he’ll upload the highest converting emails in here for you to simply copy and mail yourself (I would however recommend you to edit them at least a little bit)

Project Profit Academy Review – Rolodex

In here, you’ll find the contact details for all the people that Brendan is using in his business.

His graphics designer, copywriter, VA’s and more.

Monthly Mastermind

In here, you’ll be able to register for a monthly webinar that Brendan hosts for his Project Profit Academy members.

You can ask whatever you want here and get answers live, by the man himself.

That’s it!

Let me give you a quick summary of what you’re getting if you choose to join Project Profit Academy:

1. Access to Brendan on his personal Skype (this was one of the main reasons for why I joined)

2. Learn everything that he knows when it comes to launching/affiliate promos

3. An opportunity to launch a product with him (I made $5600+ from my launch with him, got thousands of buyers and it completely changed my life)
Please note that he does not guarantee to launch with you, but if he doesn’t and you launch yourself/with someone else, he’ll promote your launch and help you out as much as he can.

As you can probably tell by reading my Project Profit Academy review, I think this coaching is grossly underpriced for what you get, but at the same time i’m thankful for it, because it allows people like me (who at the time didn’t have a ton of money to spend) to join and get amazing results.

UPDATE: Project Profit Academy October news:

There’s one more thing..and this is the craziest guarantee i’ve ever seen:

Project Profit Academy Review – Brendan Mace’s Coaching Guarantee

Brendan’s guarantee for everyone that picks up Project Profit Academy, is that you will make $24.000 in the first three months of joining, or Brendan, myself, and the rest of his team will personally hop in and help you until you get there.

Let me say that again.

Brendan guarantees that you will make $24.000 within the first three months of you joining, or him and his team (myself included) will help you get there.

NOTE: Please realise that this guarantee is only there if you actually take massive action.

If you purchase, do absolutely nothing, and three months later expect us to help you out, that’s not going to happen.

If you take action however and still aren’t there after three months, we will help you until you get there.


As if this wasn’t good enough, i’m going to sweeten the deal even more because I know that even though I just said I believe it should be sold at a much higher price, I do realize this is very expensive for most people.


Project Profit Academy Review – Bonuses

Remember how I told you earlier about my coaching program that I have with Trevor Carr and Jono Armstrong?

It’s called End Game and we’re charging $10/month for it, and you’re going to get access to that for as long as we decide to run it (most likely 5+ more years), if you get Project Profit Academy through this page.

That’s a real world value of $120/year.

One of our End Game students, Bobby, recently launched his first product with myself and Trevor. We sold around 1600 copies and grossed over $20.000 in revenue 🙂

You will also get a 2 hour Skype call with myself, where you can ask me any question you might have about affiliate marketing.

On top of that, i’m also going to teach you how to rank websites and videos at the top of Google/YouTube.

You’re also going to get a review copy to all of my future products that cost less than $497 and guaranteed affiliate approval which means that you’ll be able to promote all of my upcoming launches.

If you think that this sounds cool and you’d like to get this + my insane bonuses, you can do so here:

NOTE: In order to get my bonuses, you MUST purchase using one of the links on this page.
You may want to clear your cookies first/buy from another browser to make sure I get credit for the sale.

If you have any questions/want to make sure you get my bonuses, feel free to send an email to
[email protected] (two underscores) with subject line “Project Profit Academy question” and I will help you out.

Thanks for watching or reading my Project Profit Academy review I hope you liked it!

/Jonas (who am I?)

PS: If for some reason the buy button won’t work, email [email protected] (two underscores) and i’ll take care of it asap.

4 thoughts on “Project Profit Academy Review”

  1. Hey Jonas –

    I just came across a post on “Craig’s List” about “project Profit Academy” (I live in Los Angeles), and I’ve googled it, read your review, but… I still have no idea how it works and what you need to get started. Do you have to have something to sell? Like a book, CD, etc.?
    Thanks for letting me know when you have time, and have a good day!

    1. Hey Gregori!

      You’ll learn how to sell digital products, so everything will be online based, no need to get inventory etc.

      I can explain the whole thing on Skype if you want? Feel free to add me: jonaslindgren90

      or send an email to [email protected] (two underscores) and I can give you a longer explanation if you want.


  2. Hi there Jonas,

    I am interested in project profit academy. Just a question, do i need to record my self, putting videos on youtube etc. to get results with this program? I just don`t feel comfortable doing that at leat at the beginning.


    1. Hey Eddie,

      While I would personally recommend you to do reviews with videos etc, you definitely don’t have to. That’s what the profit funnel is for, you can send traffic there and the pre-made funnel will do the work for you.

      Feel free to email [email protected] (two underscores) if you have any more questions 🙂

      Make sure you attend their webinar today to learn more about it. And then if you want my bonuses, don’t buy it from the webinar itself, pick it up from the link here.



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